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Monday, 11 June 2012

World wide Promoter of Odisha Sambalapuri Saree - Padmashree Krutartha Acharya

World wide Promoter of Odisha Sambalapuri Saree - Padmashree Krutartha Acharya

Padmashree krutartha acharya is the person who made the sambalpur sari a world famous. Born on 20th March 1900 in a brahmin family in Dabkatikra village of Bargarh district, Padmashree Krutartha Acharya pioneered in making the Sambalpuri design and fabric based on “Tie and Dye” method inside and outside the country. He established the Sambalpuri Bastralaya in 1930 and subsequently formed a Cooperative Societies of weavers of the district and the nearby districts.